The Art Hunter | Ep 18 | William Griffith | The Jewell of Art | NOW LIVE
In this episode of The Art Hunter, David Hunt talks to William Griffith who is a world-renowned jeweller whose unique work mirrors some of the world’s historical landmarks.
William Griffith was born in England and raised in a creative household in New Zealand, William developed a great appreciation for the arts, history and engineering from an early age. Aged 7 William designed his first ring as a gift for his mum.
Griffiths’ colourful career began in earnest in his late teens, in the heart of London’s jewellery district – Hatton Garden. Establishing himself both in Europe and Australasia, he has honed his skills across the globe, working in Auckland, London, Barcelona and Melbourne.
Following a serious car accident in his early 30s, William spent six months in hospital, gravely ill. During this dark time, he experienced morphine-induced lucid dreams, haunted by skulls, biomorphic machines and dead animals. Profoundly affected by the experience, darker themes emerged in his work, along with the Latin philosophy of ‘Memento Mori’—translated as ‘Remember That You Will Die’.
Griffiths’ prolific output reveals a rich tapestry of historical and cultural influences, inspired by his own life experience. From gothic architecture, tattoo art and baroque ornament to the biomechanical, his bespoke creations range from delicate whispers of diamonds, daggers and swallows to massive, opulent cathedral rings, both distinctive and breathtaking to behold.
Source: https://www.metalcouture.com/pages/bio
In the Art Hunter David Hunt explores the artist with an in-depth look into their background; where they came from, the type and work they do, their latest work and where they see the future.
Host: David Hunt
Producers: David Hunt and Simon Barnett (https://etainment.com.au/)
Director: Tim Barnett