Paul Yore | Secret History of Everything That Exists | The Art Hunter | Ep 45 | Now LIVE
In this episode of The Art Hunter, David Hunt talks to artist Paul Yore about his work and his current exhibition at ACCA.
Paul Yore is a queer Australian artist primarily working with textiles, fabrics, and found objects which he uses to create tapestries, sculptures, and large-scale interactions. All of which are vibrant, playful, intricate, confronting, political, beautiful, and expertly crafted.
He enrolled to do a double degree at Monash University, an arts degree majoring in Anthropology and a visual arts degree majoring in painting.
His work is akin to a hyped-up unicorn, who runs rampant throughout the world. Gobbling up pop cultural debris, along with humanity’s deepest fears, desires, and issues; all of which are vomited up, in a glorious, visual feast!
He had my first big museum exhibition in 2009 at the Heide Museum of Modern Art.
Source: https://theaither.com/
In The Art Hunter, David Hunt explores the artist with an in-depth look into their background; where they came from, the type and work they do, their latest work, and where they see the future.
In The Art Hunter, David Hunt explores the artist with an in-depth look into their background; where they came from, the type and work they do, their latest work, and where they see the future.
Host: David Hunt
Producers: David Hunt and Simon Barnett (https://etainment.com.au/)
Director: Tim Barnett
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